Buy Amnesia Haze Autoflower Seeds by Bergman Genetics in America


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Amnesia Haze Autoflower Seeds For Sale in the U.S.

Buy the greatest Amnesia Haze Autoflower Seeds on-line this instant from Bergman Genetics with quick and stealthy stateside shipping to your location in the USA.

Amnesia Haze is a respected Mostly Sativa ganja cultivar ready to buy as feminized seeds. Feminized canna seeds grow exclusively feminine ganja plants while in contrast regular cannabis seeds yield male and female plants at virtually level spreads.

The flowering form of Amnesia Haze is autoflowering. Auto-flowering herb variances bloom irrespective of daylight time while photo-type varieties act in response to light times.

The Amnesia Haze genetics of Amnesia Haze impart the elite qualities to this marijuana species. The finished product has fantastic terpene compositions that result in remarkable fragrances and tastes.

Acquiring Amnesia Haze Autoflower Seeds by Bergman Genetics shall permit you to nurture this phenomenal marijuana variety in your home or wherever you demand.

Your Amnesia Haze Autoflower Seeds are rapidly forwarded from in the country in merely one or two days from paying for these cannabis seeds on the internet.

Many stateside purchasers perceive Stellar Seeds as the most trustworthy seed bank to purchase Bergman Genetics products at modest prices. We provide dependable camouflaged shipping to all locations within the USA.

As the number one American-based seeds bank for supreme cannabis seeds, Stellar Seeds is driven to client contentment. Kindly shoot a text to our considerate customer service team if by chance you desire any help acquiring Amnesia Haze Autoflower Seeds on the net.

Amnesia Haze Strain Information

Amnesia Haze Autoflower is a distinguished strain that has captivated cannabis enthusiasts around the globe. This hybrid strain, with an impressive 80% sativa and 20% indica composition, boasts origins from a mix of diverse genetics, including South Asian and Afghani indica paired with various potent sativas from regions like Thailand and Jamaica. Its popularity surged after winning multiple awards, including the Cannabis Cup and Sativa Cup, which cemented its reputation as a top choice in Amsterdam’s coffee shops. With its uplifting effects and euphoric high, Amnesia Haze Autoflower continues to attract both seasoned users and newcomers alike.

Cultivating Amnesia Haze Autoflower is a rewarding endeavor for growers of all experience levels. It thrives in various environments, from indoor setups to Californian climates outdoors, reaching heights of up to 26 inches. The flowering period lasts between seven to ten weeks, yielding impressive amounts—up to 15 ounces per plant when grown outside and about five ounces per square meter indoors. This strain’s resilience makes it suitable for quick harvests while providing ample rewards for diligent caretakers.

The bud quality of Amnesia Haze Autoflower is strikingly appealing with its dense structure and vibrant green hues accented by amber pistils. A delightful mix of aromas greets users upon opening the jar; earthy notes blend seamlessly with zesty citrus fragrances reminiscent of fresh lemons. Upon tasting, smokers can expect a smooth experience featuring sweet and sour undertones that linger pleasantly on the palate long after consumption. Terpenes such as caryophyllene, terpineol, myrcene, d-limonene, and geraniol contribute richly to this strain’s distinct flavor profile.

With THC levels reaching up to 21%, Amnesia Haze Autoflower delivers an invigorating experience marked by creativity and happiness. Users often report feelings of euphoria accompanied by bursts of energy that make it ideal for social situations or creative pursuits. While many enjoy its uplifting qualities for recreational purposes, this strain also holds therapeutic potential; it may aid in alleviating stress, enhancing mood, or stimulating appetite. However, some users might encounter mild side effects like cottonmouth or dry eyes—a reminder to consume responsibly while savoring this delightful strain.

Amnesia Haze Grow Guide

You may start your Amnesia Haze Autoflower Seeds in a dampened paper napkin or right in prepared grow mix. Bring your cannabis seeds out of sight from full sun exposure. Intermittently check on your seeds and considerately spritz with drinking water when dry. The seeds generally come out in merely two or more days and may now be shifted to vaster planters.

As soon as your Amnesia Haze seeds have taken root, you should adopt a sunshine and irrigation calendar. Not enough watering can hold back advancement, so checking soil moisture levels is of prime importance. Awaken increased vibrancy by allocating greater total light hours during the vegetative growth stage. As they evolve, progressively add plant food to support strong broadening and get them ready for the coming growth level.

Stellar Seeds encourages the scrog method for prime output when growing this genotype inside to increase flower stacking. Amnesia Haze does remarkably adequately outdoors with superb potentiality when granted ideal surroundings. This astounding marijuana variety simply seeks satisfactory luminosity, rainwater, and plant food to burst forth.

Watch out for insects and plagues which may degrade your plants. Assess employing preventative actions such as plant-safe integrated pest management (IPM) techniques to uphold a healthy condition. Efficient air flow is also essential to thwart mildew and mold, aiding in a well-built plant pattern.

The buds are completed growing following a blooming cycle of 7 to 10 weeks, absolutely resinous and covered in frost. The formal point for harvest is achieved when the majority of trichomes convert from translucent to foggy whitish, denoting peak potency.

Amnesia Haze provides a notable high harvest of chronic Mostly Sativa nuggets that put out pleasant thought-provoking, elating, chillaxing, heavy effects, making it a valued selection among stoners. With a little TLC, your plants shall bless you with exquisite nuggets which are assured to astonish.

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Strain Data Sheet


Bergman Genetics

CBD Content

Under 1 pct.


Creative, Euphoric, Relaxing, Physical

Flowering Time

7 to 10 weeks

Flowering Type



Amnesia Haze

Pack Size

5 seeds, 10 seeds, 20 seeds

Plant Height




THC Content

Up to 21 pct.


Mostly Sativa

